
The curated thoughts and findings of J.Rameau.
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Standards (are greater than) Purpose

This has been a struggle for me for awhile, figuring out how to properly schedule my life to give me the motivation to sustain.

Always trying to evaluate your priorities in tandem with always searching for a greater “purpose” in everything you do becomes difficult. Same goes for trying to accurately calculate the return on investment on everything you do. Some tasks just need to be done, regardless if you find them fun or rewarding.

“We become our lowest standards, not our highest dreams.” – Sam Ovens

We are defined by the standards and principles we live by. The ones we put into action and not the ones we just voice to ourselves. Instead of losing ourselves in the management of our time I rather find myself in the completion of projects, in raising the bar of my lowest standards day by day.

Some of my best and most productive times in my life were when I dropped the idea of efficiency. When I realized I like having many balls in the air. When I realized establishing solid patterns in all areas of my life created the momentum I need to sustain motivation on my main goal. Instead of dwelling in self-thought, be decisive, commit yourself, fix & correct course when needed.

Some simple heuristics in establishing solid patterns and principles

  • Put things back where you found them
  • Finish what you started
  • Do as you promise
  • Leave things better than you found them

I thrive for purpose in my life, many times to detriment of making progress. These thoughts are here to help set standards that are in alignment with your goal or higher purpose. So, you do not have to constantly start at zero and over evaluate everything you need to do with you goal or purpose.